Thursday 4 June 2009


"In 3000, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are 1 Super waste of time called YouTwitFace page." - Conan O'Brien (h / t Hayesy by tweetski). It is easy, time online! True dat There's even a bit of a trend in some global technology for the promotion of Churches chirping during the sermon. Last week, Josh Harris writes a great piece of counter why it was discouraged by tweeting your community during the sermon John Piper and also had some good equipment in the "difference between the communion with God and reviews on the communion with God." Wise words of caution.

Here are some of the golden Piper, why and how he tweeting:

I see two types of reactions to social media such as Internet blogs, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, among others.

It says: The media tend to shorten attention, thinking, undermining discursive pull people away from the Scriptures and prayer, disembody relations to the flames of narcissism, the lust for attention, filling the world with nonsense, the soul shrink the size, capacity, and make us say, second-hand about the life, if we should live. Therefore, the boycott and write books (no blogs) about the problem.

The other answer is: Yes, that's true at all, but instead of boycotting, try to fill them with the most provocative media, appropriate, Bible-saturated, prayer, relationship, the glorification of Christ, the truth, a serious, creative tips from real size as you can.

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